Thursday, April 06, 2006

Do People Change?

Another sleepless night. I watch the slow whir of my bedroom ceiling fan. . .contemplating why I continue to set myself up to be emotionally exhausted over and over again. People don't change. If there's one thing that I can rely on when it comes to people, it is that they are consistent in their inability to change. My mind races as I simultaneously flip through one nondescript television program after another. It's 2am. The world is quiet outside of my window. But my mind races and flips and turns at the speed of light and at the sound of a thousand decibels trying to make sense of the human ability to change. The lobe of my brain that entertains fantasy and fairytale allows me to be optimistic. I hypothesize the ridiculous generalization that people will die with the same unadulterated chi they were born with. "Of course people can change," I say to myself. "Its the essence of the human spirit. Without change there is no life." As I continue flipping through the channels, my attention turns to the the monotonous drone of the meterologist forecasting a day full of cold temperatures and rain. A direct contrast to the days that preceded. Another lobe of my brain that houses my more rational, grounded, realistic perception of life tells me, "Variables change. Outside forces change. But the people within these elements will always be the same." My mind is now at war, battling these opposing viewpoints as I continue to flip through the channels. It is now 4am. As my eyes begin to lazily close, I hear Roseanne in the background fumbling with the simple complexities of meatloaf versus pizza. She reaches no resolution. And as I drift off into a restless slumber, I realize that neither will I.

Anonymous said...
Wow... That was amazing....
4:10 PM

Arnethia said...
I love it and cant wait to
4:14 PM

Anonymous said...
That just like totally changed my life! Omg!!
4:49 PM

Abeja Reina said...
I wonder if people really change too...if it's one thing you can count on, it's the uncertainty of how people will deal with your feelings…I love the post…I’m looking forward to reading more Stay Positive!!PS…I LOVE THE PICTURE!!
12:50 PM

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